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OPAL - Outdoor Play & Learning

"Creative people are curious, flexible, persistent and independent with a tremendous spirit of adventure and a love of play."

Henri Matisse (French Painter)

OPAL is a structured mentor program that takes a strategic and comprehensive approach to support schools and children’s services in the development of a play policy, tailored action plan and implementation steps to help create conditions within their setting to optimise play provision.

Nature Play Solutions is an accredited OPAL provider. OPAL was founded over ten year ago in the UK and is a program which addresses all of the areas schools must plan for if they want to strategically and sustainably improve the quality of play. The OPAL program supports schools in developing a cultural shift in thinking about and supporting children’s play.

When your school adopts the OPAL program you will be allocated an accredited OPAL mentor who will assist you to develop a strategic, policy based approach to improving play. The program runs over a 12-18 month period and through OPAL you will:

  • Identify your school community’s play values

  • Gather baseline and evaluation data

  • Have support and guidance throughout via your OPAL mentor

  • Write a play provision policy and strategy

  • Create a comprehensive, enduring action plan

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